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Water Calculations

What are Part G water calculations?

Building regulations require that new dwellings meet the 125 loitres per person, per day of portable water.

If the development is subject to planning conditions, you may be required ro reduce internal portable water to 105 litres. This is at the discretion of the local authourity.


Whether you need calculations for building control sign off or are subject to a planning condition, we will be able to help. Our prices start at just £35.00 inc VAT and can offer discounts on multiple dwellings and services.

What is involved?

Water use is demonstaated by producing calculations based on fittings, flow rates and occupancy. The calculations consider; taps, toilets, baths, showers and water appliances including washing machines and dishwashers.


We can provide you with calculation and provide you with viable options that can be installed in your project that are both pratical and efficient, but also cost effective.

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